Monday, February 12, 2018

Mapogo Lions - Battle Kings Of Lion World

"Mapogos...the true Spartans"
Coalitions and Males the Mapogos fought and defeated in at least one encounter as well as Males that were KIA against the Mapogos. Keep in mind there are multiple Nomadic Males that were pushed out or killed by the Mapogos that were never documented. 3 coalitions of Nomads that were documented. So we may never know the true extent of the massive Mapogo reign which is already incredibly illustrious as it is. Furthermore it took 9 Males and two different younger Coalitions to contribute in the downfall of the past their prime Mapogos. Truly amazing:
1. Split Rock Coalition (2 Males),
2. Nhlanguleni Male (1 Male) 3. Northern Coalition (4 Males),
4. Gwarri Bush Male (1 Male) 5. Dzunani Male (1 Male),
6. Rocky Serengeti Male (1 Male) 7. Nkuhuma Coalition (2 Males),
8. Ravenscourt Male (1 Male) 9. Skukuza Coalition (4 Males),
10. One eye and Stompie Coalition(2 Males),
11. Rollercoaster Male (1 Male),
12. Tsalala Male Solo (1 Male),
13. Nomadic Coalition (4 Males),
14. Nomadic Coalition (2 Males),
15. Nomadic Coalition (2 Males),
16. Manyeleti Coalition (2 Males),
17. Golf Course Coalition (2 Males),
18. Gijima Coalition (2 Males),
19. Toulon Coalition (3 Males),
20. Majingilane Coalition (5 Males),
21. Matimba Coalition (3 Males),
22. Othawa Coalition (2 Males),
23. Selati Coalition (4 Males),
24. Limper KNP Male (1 Male) Casulties: Casulties include at least 13 fully grown Males killed by the Mapogos. It is not known exactly how many of the Skukuza Males were killed but all disappeared and at least 1 killed from the Mapogo conflict. The Western Mapogos also killed 2 Nomadic Males in 2009. The Mapogos simply were doing nature's calling and they excelled as Lions like no others have. 1 Nhlanguleni Male 1 Northern Male 1 Gwarri Bush Male 1 Dzunani Male 1 Rocky Serengeti Male 1 Skukuza Male 1 Nkuhuma Male 1 Golf Course Male 2 Nomadic Males 1 Manyeleti Male 1 Majingilane Male 1 KNP Male An impressive list of the greatest coalition of all time, aren't it? This is Sparta! - Mapogos 4ever - R.I.P. Mapogos and R.I.P. to all great Lions they fought!

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Mapogo Lions

Mapogo Male Lion Coalition

MAPOGO COALITION (1998 - 2013) 6 Male Lions also known as the Eyrefield Males, the Sparta Males and in some regions the "Cannibals...